Guess who said what. Trick your friends.
Win points.

Last night I was so bored, I            .

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Reasons to hate sand.

Pack: The Got 'Em Strikes Back

Cheers: Where everybody knows your            .

Pack: TV Fan Pack

Balloons you won't see at the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.

Pack: Thanks Got 'Em

All I want for Christmas is my            .

Pack: A Very Got 'Em Christmas

Some people are afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of            .

Pack: Trick or Got 'Em

Things that don't belong in wedding vows.

Pack: Luckless in Love Pack

The thing I'll miss most from 2020.

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

What kind of a monster gives out             on Halloween?

Pack: Trick or Got 'Em

Ways to pass the time while "working from home".

Pack: Watercooler Talk

Evidence that astrology is real.

Pack: Pack for Terrible People

A better name would have been Game of            .

Pack: TV Fan Pack

Instead of a New Year's resolution this year, I'm            .

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

The saddest Thanksgiving meal.

Pack: Thanks Got 'Em

Just because weed is legal doesn't mean you should            .

Pack: Legalize It

Signs the ill-advised second edible is kicking in.

Pack: Legalize It

Luke, I am your            .

Pack: The Got 'Em Strikes Back

This year I’m putting             on the top of the tree.

Pack: A Very Got 'Em Christmas

Things that would be fun to pickle.

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Ways to get out of a bad date.

Pack: Luckless in Love Pack

Reasons to build a wall.

Pack: America Fuck Yeah

In a past life, I was            .

Pack: Truth Bombs

Signs that you've settled.

Pack: Starter Pack

New policy from corporate: everyone has to            , starting immediately.

Pack: Watercooler Talk

Excuses for being the way you are.

Pack: Pack for Terrible People

Things that will survive the apocalypse.

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

If you can't handle me at my            , you don't deserve me at my            .

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Proof we're living in the worst timeline.

Pack: Starter Pack

I bleed red, white, and            .

Pack: America Fuck Yeah

The thing I'll miss most from 2024.

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

You know what? I'm NOT sorry for            .

Pack: Truth Bombs

Top 10            : you won't believe number 7!

Pack: Starter Pack

Last night I was so bored, I            .

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Reasons to hate sand.

Pack: The Got 'Em Strikes Back

Cheers: Where everybody knows your            .

Pack: TV Fan Pack

Balloons you won't see at the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade.

Pack: Thanks Got 'Em

All I want for Christmas is my            .

Pack: A Very Got 'Em Christmas

Some people are afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of            .

Pack: Trick or Got 'Em

Things that don't belong in wedding vows.

Pack: Luckless in Love Pack

The thing I'll miss most from 2020.

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

What kind of a monster gives out             on Halloween?

Pack: Trick or Got 'Em

Ways to pass the time while "working from home".

Pack: Watercooler Talk

Evidence that astrology is real.

Pack: Pack for Terrible People

A better name would have been Game of            .

Pack: TV Fan Pack

Instead of a New Year's resolution this year, I'm            .

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

The saddest Thanksgiving meal.

Pack: Thanks Got 'Em

Just because weed is legal doesn't mean you should            .

Pack: Legalize It

Signs the ill-advised second edible is kicking in.

Pack: Legalize It

Luke, I am your            .

Pack: The Got 'Em Strikes Back

This year I’m putting             on the top of the tree.

Pack: A Very Got 'Em Christmas

Things that would be fun to pickle.

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Ways to get out of a bad date.

Pack: Luckless in Love Pack

Reasons to build a wall.

Pack: America Fuck Yeah

In a past life, I was            .

Pack: Truth Bombs

Signs that you've settled.

Pack: Starter Pack

New policy from corporate: everyone has to            , starting immediately.

Pack: Watercooler Talk

Excuses for being the way you are.

Pack: Pack for Terrible People

Things that will survive the apocalypse.

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

If you can't handle me at my            , you don't deserve me at my            .

Pack: Essential Expansion Pack

Proof we're living in the worst timeline.

Pack: Starter Pack

I bleed red, white, and            .

Pack: America Fuck Yeah

The thing I'll miss most from 2024.

Pack: New Year's Got 'Em Eve

You know what? I'm NOT sorry for            .

Pack: Truth Bombs

Top 10            : you won't believe number 7!

Pack: Starter Pack